this is not a clickbait, i have never taken any drugs.

For background: i started to learn how to use the asio library in c++ and let me tell you i don’t enjoy it very much, i do it only for the good grades in school.

after a long studying session i tried to sleep so my brain configured a socket and started to listen to new connections. all night i got errors and almost no connections that approved my brain to fall asleep. this is not a joke nor a dream, i remember standing up and telling myself that i’m not a socket but my brain couldn’t comprehend this thought. after about 10 minutes i continued listening for connections as before until the morning which finally i fell asleep

here is the code to visualize what i felt in this very black night (reminder i thought i was the socket)


using namespace asio;

class Session : public std::enable_shared_from_this {
    Session(io_context& context) : socket_(context) {}

    ip::tcp::socket& getSocket() {
        return socket_;

    void start() {

    void readData() {
        auto self(shared_from_this());
        socket_.async_read_some(buffer(data_), [this, self](const std::error_code& ec, std::size_t length) {
            if (!ec) {
                std::string receivedData(data_, length);
                if (receivedData == "fall asleep OK") {
                } else {

    ip::tcp::socket socket_;
    char data_[1024]; 

what do you guys make of this? am i the only one?

  • ElevenNotes@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I feel you. If you code too long and fall asleep you keep coding. I vividly remember how I was typewriting in my sleep and my fingers probably moved.