For me it is writting docker compose files describing my services. I like to test them on my machine before pushing them to the server(s). But I guess that’s my own fault for not using something like portainer or even SSHFS.
What’s the most annoying / painful step for you?
Managing docker-compose files over a few servers.
Notepad++ is fantastic, I can have multiple tabs with docker-compose files from different servers (via a ssh plugin), in a single window.
I was advised to move to VSCode or VSCodium. Neither can handle a single window with files from different servers, I need to switch workspace every time. Back to Notepad++.
I actually was a Notepad++ fanatic for years and still use it lightly but I have made the switch to VSCode about 6 months ago and I’ll never look back. As the other commenter said you absolutely can mount files from multiple workspaces as well. Hell you can even copy files between file systems.
You absolutely can mount different files from different servers simultaneously in vscode. I do it all the time with the SSHFS plugin. You just set the server, login, and path, then you can the remote folder to any workspace, and you can mount multiple different folders simultaneously. Right now I have a workspace which has mounted folders from 3 different servers for my Grafana/Prometheus/Influx DB setup
You absolutely can mount different files from different servers simultaneously in vscode
It’s not in vscode then, it is on the filesystem if I understand correctly. Then even notepad can handle that.
sshfs causes weird permission issues for every server I use and cannot save files, so that’s not an option.
You can have a central repo for your files. I have a different folder for each server. VSCode has access to these folders to edit any data needed.
Most of the compose files are managed in Portainer, but some of the containers need to exist outside of Portainer.
I’m sorry what? You can edit text files on a different machine from notepad++??? Omg this changes… everything. Wtf I did not know this. How could not have known this!!!
Being to poor to get a proper system, so now I have older Xeon CPU, tons of RAM and a irreplaceable motherboard that is also SFF.
It only draws 100 watts idle, but that shit adds up :(
Setting up a MikroTik Router with zero knowledge and experience on RouterOS. Yup, that’s what I’ll be doing very soon.
Troubleshooting 10Gb/sec connectivity problems. Is it the router, is it the switch, is it the SFP+ ethernet enclosure, is it the cable, is it the network card on the client… etc etc
A lot of the tech is quite cutting edge and the cheaper stuff doesn’t always work very well together. I don’t have a ton of money so I have to troubleshoot instead of upgrade.
Cable management
Finding space
Cabling. Has to be cabling. It is the only thing I don’t enjoy. More specifically, cabling the whole home.
Documentation. Like proper documentation.
Shelling out for it, and the ongoing costs.
Electricity might be “cheap” in amreica. But in the Real world, selfhosted costs real money that takes from other necessities like heating/cooling.
Don’t try to bullshit me, power is expensive in AU, and Heat/Cool is regularly on.
My quarterly with a VERY modest system, and really taxing rules on power (read using AC/HEATING) and my quarters are still $600AUD.
Hope you have a good paying job, or live in a country that doesn’t give a shit about power costs.
Trying to learn new things that are sometimes too complex and once you figure it out, you have to start all over again because is not properly set up and pose a risk.
Also, money. It’s expensive to buy high-end parts + electricity bill.
Getting the money to purchase the hardware. Its all downhill after that!
Remembering to do something with it other than build it.
Racking things in my tiny “server room”
It’s all painful. Constant frustration, self-doubt, mistakes, shit just mysteriously stops working. It’s emotional masochism.