Hey all, I’m trying to back up all the photos on my iCloud account onto my computer and I can’t seem to find a way to get the original RAW files taken from my iPhone Pro.
- I’ve tried downloading them all through the iCloud website and the zip file downloaded has compressed them all to JPEG.
- I’ve tried pulling them off my phone directly connected to my PC, however the photos app only shows like 50% of my photos.
privacy.apple.com is the best solution.
Are you using Windows or Mac?
I’m pretty sure the RAW files don’t exist anymore. Google photos automatically compresses to jpg on upload unless you go out of your way to specify not to.
Jpgs might be all that’s left on your cloud.
I’m using Windows bro
I’ve had success with this in the past using the photos app on a Mac, but it was years ago, so I’m unsure if RAW files even work, but might be worth a try. Setting up iCloud Photos on a Mac is a time consuming process, but it might be worth looking into.
Depending on the size of your photos and how important they are, you might file a lawsuit in small claims court to get a full fidelity extract.
Ask a ‘genius’ !
Go to privacy.apple.com
Here you can download all your original photos in 25 gb zip files.
Download them from privacy.apple.com However, it should take a few days to get the .zip files with the photos, but they are the same uploaded to Apple servers.
Go to icloud.com and navigate to the Photos section.
Click on a photo you want the original of, right click it and select “More Download Options”
From there you can download the original.
You can Shift+Left click to select a range or CTRL+Left Click to select specific items. Right click and select the More option.
OP, for the future if you also have Amazon Prime, Amazon Photos provides free and unlimited storage for photos, including RAW.
Not free for videos though…which sucks
unlimited storage for raw or even prores video would be insane. iPhones can record 4K60 at 2gbps so even casual users can consume terabytes each day, only limited by their upload speed