reminds me when I used the restroom the other day and a giant roll of toilet paper was just laying on the ground because there was nowhere else for it to go and the previous roll was out and the dispenser has a lock on it
reminds me when I used the restroom the other day and a giant roll of toilet paper was just laying on the ground because there was nowhere else for it to go and the previous roll was out and the dispenser has a lock on it
is there a more efficient alternative that isn’t centralized?
Remember when MP3 players were a thing? Well I still listen to mp3 files, but I can’t put them on my smartphone because manufacturers artificially reduce storage size on phones to force people to use cloud services, and the available mp3 players that accept microSD cards are remarkably bad in many ways. It makes me pessimistic about tech in general, there is no sense of humanism or building progress, that in the future the products will be easier or better. Based on current trends, it seems like in the future the tech will just be more exploitative and consumers are just captive at this point.
I live in America, people here operate in the opposite fashion of a hive - in a hive the organism is the collective, and the individual is just a part of the whole. In the U.S. many people refuse to take minimal actions to benefit others and even themselves out of the perception that it might be viewed as collectivist.
social politeness has gone too far \s
tbh I have daily interactions with real humans in the flesh that make me think more people should be concerned about their actions and words than they are, lol
though the habituation of state and corporate surveillance is disturbing and should be combated fr
horseshoe theory is objectively bunk, tho:
well you wouldn’t want to be caught doing / saying / thinking the wrong thing would you?
I searched through several pages of search results for every explicit mention of “genocide” between December 1st and December 31st of 2024, but without reference to Gaza, Palestine, Rwanda, or Uyghur.
At some point most of the results are just instagram and tiktok links - most of the news articles are in the first page of results. Nothing mentions trans or gender, etc.
I tried lots of other searches, such as just looking for Trump official or Trump administration official, etc.
This was notable, but genocide is not explicitly mentioned:
There was a lot of talk about Trump’s nominees for various positions in December, could the article have been related to that?
Was the person who said it a part of Trump’s prior administration? (Trump had no administration in December.)
maybe, but there are advanced methods of searching that allow you to filter by exact phrases or key-words, to search within a particular timeline, etc. and nothing with the word “genocide” is showing up associated with Trump and trans people even going back months and years. Do you know who published the article, like what website it may have come from? Anything to help narrow the search can be helpful.
the leftists seem to be good with guns, it’s the liberals and progressives who have trouble with them
(to be fair, the left is dead in America)
huh, I’m definitely not finding that anywhere …
Using crypto as the main currency would require too much of most people. Let’s not forget how many people who need to use currency but who are illiterate, who have trouble using websites or phones, etc. Crypto is not accessible to large segments of the population, and in that sense it is impractical and clearly not better than other currencies.
Let’s also not forget that crypto was specifically designed to prevent monetary policies from being able to influence the currency. Not only is crypto impractical for much of the population, but the government will have fewer tools to stabilize the value of the currency. It’s a nightmare on many fronts.
Literally any currency would be more likely and “better” than crypto. The alternative to crypto is not trading gold, but using other major currencies, like Euros. It’s unclear if the U.S. dollar collapses what currency will replace it, but I suspect that will be determined by geopolitical dominance more than anything else.
Yes, they might find a way to force crypto to be used in a case like that - but I think that would be a logistical nightmare and they would probably have to setup some kind of system to make it feasible.
I do suspect the currency of whatever geopolitical entity demands the most economic power in the vacuum left by the U.S. collapsing will become the new global currency, but it’s also possible that this hypothetical world become more economically isolated, such that there is no single accepted global currency.
But yeah, Euro or Yuan would be my guess as well.
Ah, I think you may have missed my point - I am responding to the claim that both parties are equally bad. While I can understand if you are primed to expect my points to be accompanied by a liberal attitude that voting is the main form of political action, let me clarify for you that this is not what I’m saying.
Obviously middle-class Americans have a tendency to think voting is the most significant political action that can be taken, maybe if they are really into politics they might make different consumer choices (avoiding Chick-fil-a, refusing plastic straws, etc.), and even more extreme people might participate in a peaceful protest.
Brick throwing on the other hand is something people who have nothing left to lose do, desperate acts from those who are barely surviving poverty, who are being harassed, jailed, raped, and killed by the police, and so on. Brick throwing isn’t done to carve out civil rights, it is survival.
To that end, Democrats who might advocate for and uphold civil rights have a pacifying and stabilizing effect in so far as some of those pressures that result in marginalized groups throwing bricks are alleviated. The GOP on the other hand seems to care little about stability, they are unskillful tyrants in that sense.
Ultimately all I am saying is that elections do have consequences, which is so obvious it should not have to be said. My statements do not imply elections are the only political events that matter.
tell me how it turns out!!
this photo is just gorgeous, omg
Are you sure the word “genocide” was used? I think they have generally kept to more round-about language like “eradicating gender ideology”, etc. - I don’t think they would want to characterize what they’re doing as a genocide so directly.
and which side was interested in guns and militancy, and which side was against guns and militancy?
now I’m hungry 😩