I keep getting errors on FreeTube on Linux.
We used to have free speech and an open internet in the UK. Now I need a VPN to access Lemmy.zip because Labour has turned Britain into an Orwellian Nightmare.
I keep getting errors on FreeTube on Linux.
Well the USB WiFi works fine.
However now my issue is I can’t install Mint onto the laptop. It keeps saying it can’t install GRUB onto the SSD.
I think it’s because even though I’ve deleted the windows partitions using the Mint installer the ASU’s BIOS still has Windows Bootloader as an option.
Hopefully taking the SSD out of the laptop and fully erasing it will let me install Mint.
Exploring isn’t an act of war. But repeatedly violating another species borders after being warned away is very much an act of war.
They were never mentioned again. They were swapped out for budget reasons as the VFX would have been very expensive.
It’s a shame they were never explored in Voyager.
Oh shit. Sorry for the spoiler.
The Dominion must have recognised that the attack wasn’t ordered by the Cardassian government or they wouldn’t have accepted them into the Dominion.
But again. If they had all stayed in the Alpha Quadrant as warned there wouldn’t have been as issue.
deleted by creator
It applies to every non-Federation civilisation. Part of it does include not interfering with pre-warp planets but that’s just part of it.
Also they have no jurisdiction over Cardassians affairs.
But Prime Directive or not, the Federation started that war.
Lower Decks effectively rendered Discovery non-canon in its finale so now it takes place in an alternate universe.
Keep proving my point for me. We disagree. Let it go. You don’t have to hammer your point home to those that disagree.
Oh and by the way. In absolutely no way did I even mention black people. I’m not sure why you’re bringing race into the conversation but it’s disgraceful and you should be ashamed.
As I don’t wish to be preached too and as you simply can’t accept differing opinions I’m blocking you now and may also report your racism.
I solved the issue. The Asus laptop uses a MediaTek wifi and bluetooth chip that isn’t supported by Linux. I’ve ordered a TP-Link mini USB adapter so hopefully that works.
When I installed Mint on the laptop with the ethernet port there was no WiFi adapters found. So I updated the kernel, restarted and WiFi was working.
I used the same live USB on both laptops.
Unfortunately my other laptop has no ethernet port so I must wait for a USB dongle to be delivered.
I must thank you for proving my point.
We’ve both made our arguments, I’ve said everyone is free to believe whatever they wish and it’s obvious we will never agree. But you simply can’t accept that people disagree with gender ideology and must try and push your beliefs onto others, in this case, me.
So to finalise this conversation.
I am of the opinion that there are two genders. You are of the opinion that there are more.
We are both entitled to our respective opinions whether you agree with them or not.
It’s an Asus Vivobook X1504Z that I bought last month. I just tried the latest Ubuntu on a live USB and just like Mint there is no wifi or bluetooth.
I think my best bet is waiting for the USB wifi dongle to arrive tomorrow.
One of my laptops doesn’t have ethernet. Also the bluetooth doesn’t work either with the same live USB. I’ve ordered a USB wifi dongle and i’ll try that.
The WiFi on both laptops didn’t work at first. On the ethernet one a kernel update fixed it. I guess I’ll have to source a usb dongle.
The WiFi on both laptops didn’t work at first. On the ethernet one a kernel update fixed it. I guess I’ll have to source a usb dongle.
Sorry but your gender argument is plain false.
There are two biological genders. Male and female. Anything else is a birth defect and it is biologically impossible to change what you are.
Just because a person thinks they aren’t the gender they were born as does not make them some third gender. It is a mental health issue.
Sex and gender are fundamentally the same thing but the definitions have been twisted to suit a specific ideology which has no basis in fact.
You are of course free to believe anything you wish. If a person wants to believe there are 100+ genders then they have that right, But what nobody has the right to do is expect and demand that others fall into line with their ideology and beliefs. And they absolutely do not have the right to start throwing abuse and words like transphobe around simply because beliefs don’t match.
It is the left that starts the abuse.
If I were to say “there are two genders (male and female) and you can not change what you were born as” the red mist descends and because my views don’t align I get called a phobe or ist or a bigot. They simply can’t accept that not everyone shares their ideology.
As for the right starting the abuse just look at the Reform member conference in Cornwall last week.
It wasn’t the right wearing masks to hide their faces and physically trying to stop people entering while threatening and verbally abusing them.
With two-tier Kiers thought police WATCHING from the sidelines.
My ONLY problem with the left is they preach tolerance but are ALWAYS the ones to start the abuse, insults, name calling and threats when they are disagreed with.
On a place light Reddit most subs will just ban you for showing any right leaning opinions. Or any opinion that goes against their narrative. That’s not what tolerance is.
That wasn’t acting. That speech was real. It’s why its so hard to watch.
Likely depends on your VPN. I use Proton and it’s fine.