You’re not too bright, right?
Boston area. 30+ years riding the woo woo boo boo bus.
You’re not too bright, right?
Almost 100% onboard. The exception is SpaceX.
Obviously I don’t know the exact specifics of how they’re successful and I don’t care.
Leave SpaceX out as the “black sheep”, even though they should be the “golden child”.
I wish SpaceX continued success and a future of good luck.
I did:
Ok. Seems like great data. Is there any other use inputs? Any comparisons of storms? Or, is it too new?
Many people don’t have a “bed”. This is dumb.
Maybe hurricane Martin will remove numerous Republicans from the voter rolls. They are stupid enough to ignore storm warnings.
Best show, ever.
Nice. Good luck!
Well, I also sit in front of a mirror.
Florida peeps are so fucking dumb they have no idea what politicians are doing. They just vote for the same piles of shit.
I don’t care where y’all are from as long as you’re not a dumbass dickhead.
Annoying ass dots on a screen.
Walz did fine. Unfortunately, that’s definitely not enough to be impressive. In today’s world he needed to be more aggressive and stern.
There were also a couple of times that were just bad optics for him. He looked pretty goofy nodding his head at Vance.
Of course I wanted better from Walz. Sadly, and worrisome that Vance came across as more than adequate.