Posting this because I feel like people think there’s an “epidemic” issue and that Barkley’s question was warranted when in reality you’re talking about LITERALLY a handful of outliers.

Here are literally the list of players involved in domestic abuse incidents since 2015.

  • Kevin Porter Jr. is a free agent
  • Miles Bridges IS on the Hornets roster
  • Terence Davis allegedly assaulted his gf is currently out of the NBA
  • Rodions Kurucs allegedly choked his gf and is out of the NBA and playing in Spain
  • Jabari Bird allegedly strangled his gf, been outta the NBA since and plays in Mexico
  • Darren Collison was arrested for domestic violence in 2016, currently a 36-year old FA.

That’s literally 6 PEOPLE out of the 1,000+ men who have played in the NBA over the course of the last 8 years.