With the NBA season in full swing, I’m eager to hear your insights on the Chicago Bulls. They’ve made some intriguing moves in the off-season.

The development of young talents like Patrick Williams and Coby White is another aspect to keep an eye on. Their growth could significantly influence the Bulls’ success this season. Do you see them taking on larger roles, or will they primarily serve as supporting pieces? What rank do you guys think the Bulls will be this year? They were ranked top 5 in defense last year iirc.

  • tomhalejr@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    Because of the Ball injury, and DeMar’s contract situation - I have CHI in the “if not clearly in the playoff hunt, blow it up by the TD” tier.


    You know that even if Ball can come back, it won’t be in CHI, and you are going to waive and stretch that last year - Ideally you want a player on the last year of their rookie scale deal, who’s cap hold/contract helps keep you right at the cap, so you can sign a full MLE. Ball’s stretch + MLE fills that contract slot for the next three years.

    DeMar’s value is as a “win now” experienced vet. That limits the number of teams, and what they have to offer. Place holder contracts, maybe less valuable future assets, “lower value” prospects, etc.

    Vuc is the most “interchangeable” player, in that his contract is right there with most of the “traditional bigs” in the league. If CHI goes that direction, MEM could be a team in need of a vet big, that has a contract and “assets”.

    If Zach doesn’t get moved, one more player in that White/Williams age/contract range, some assets, use the exemptions, and CHI is more in reset than rebuild territory.

  • RVAIsTheGreatest@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    I’m higher on the Bulls than most are. Zach Lavine was awesome in the second half of last season. Coby White has really taken a step forward as a player and seems ready to really grab the PG spot by the horns. Torrey Craig and Jevon Carter not the sexiest of signings but both fill roles that needed to be addressed. Think continuity will also be on the Bulls’ side at the outset of the year…I think they’re in decent shape this season and I like their opportunity to grab a top 6 seed and I think top 4 is not out of the question.

  • Smart_Oil_6934@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    They will be trying to grime an 8 seed literally every year until they bottom out and hit on a superstar in the draft.

    Literally no need to discuss them whatsoever