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The original was posted on /r/guiltygear by /u/NKCyborb on 2024-11-21 19:51:56+00:00.
No really though, WHY does he wear glasses??? Isn’t his whole THING (reason why he uses the bedframe in the first place) that if he opens his eyes his brain shortcircuits and he DIES??? If he DOES need glasses to help him see, he could just… dream them up in the ONLY place in which he can freely open his eyes, the Backyard. If ANYTHING it’s more of a hazard for him to be wearing them considering how relatively fragile they look. Maybe it’s an ego thing or something, though. He might wear them to give himself a weak point (enemy thought process being that if they break his glasses, he’ll most likely be momentarily stunned due to there being GLASS in his FACE, thus providing an opportunity to strike) block it with the bed’s arms to prevent it from actually being hit. In one of his taunts the mech cleans the glasses, which it does NOT need to do, because his ass is NOT using those anytime soon. Even IF the perfect world he’s looking for is made real, he can just… dream himself a pair of glasses there. It’s so INFURIATING and for what??