This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/globaloffensive by /u/CS2_PostMatchThreads on 2024-11-12 11:28:24+00:00.

Wildcard 🌍 13-10 🇧🇷 paiN

Nuke: 13-10


Wildcard have a 2-0 record in the Swiss stage

paiN have a 1-1 record in the Swiss stage


Map picks:

Wildcard MAP paiN
X Mirage
X Vertigo
Inferno X
Ancient X
Anubis X
X Dust2


Nuke Stats:

Team T CT Total
🌍 Wildcard 5 8 13
🇧🇷 paiN 7 3 10


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🌍 Wildcard
🇺🇸 JBa 21-18 89.9 87.0% 1.30
🇸🇪 phzy 20-14 83.6 78.3% 1.28
🇸🇪 susp 16-13 71.1 87.0% 1.24
🇨🇦 stanislaw 16-11 73.4 73.9% 1.21
🇿🇦 Sonic 13-17 76.5 73.9% 1.01
🇧🇷 paiN
🇧🇷 nqz 20-16 77.4 73.9% 1.21
🇧🇷 lux 20-18 89.5 69.6% 1.20
🇧🇷 snow 16-17 82.1 73.9% 1.07
🇧🇷 biguzera 9-20 51.9 73.9% 0.69
🇧🇷 kauez 8-19 39.6 60.9% 0.46

Nuke detailed stats and VOD


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.