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The original was posted on /r/globaloffensive by /u/CS2_PostMatchThreads on 2024-11-09 19:24:52+00:00.

Ninjas in Pyjamas 🇸🇪 0-3 🇸🇪 Metizport

Vertigo: 4-13

Mirage: 13-16

Ancient: 9-13




Congratulations to Metizport for winning Svenska Cupen 2024!


Map picks:

Ninjas in Pyjamas MAP Metizport
X Inferno
Anubis X


Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas
🇸🇪 isak 52-47 88.6 70.6% 1.12
🇸🇪 REZ 40-49 65.3 60.3% 0.84
🇺🇦 r1nkle 36-41 56.0 64.7% 0.77
🇸🇪 jocab 34-50 61.4 64.7% 0.73
🇿🇦 MisteM 35-52 59.6 63.2% 0.71
🇸🇪 Metizport
🇸🇪 nilo 59-38 85.4 76.5% 1.36
🇸🇪 adamb 52-38 78.7 80.9% 1.27
🇸🇪 Plopski 48-47 82.9 76.5% 1.23
🇸🇪 L00m1 41-36 59.2 82.4% 1.08
🇸🇪 SHiNE 35-40 69.4 79.4% 1.06


Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Vertigo

Team T CT Total
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas 2 2 4
🇸🇪 Metizport 10 3 13


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas
🇸🇪 isak 15-13 112.3 58.8% 1.29
🇸🇪 jocab 10-15 70.4 64.7% 0.73
🇸🇪 REZ 7-14 47.0 52.9% 0.52
🇺🇦 r1nkle 5-13 32.4 52.9% 0.46
🇿🇦 MisteM 4-13 32.6 52.9% 0.41
🇸🇪 Metizport
🇸🇪 adamb 20-7 111.5 94.1% 1.95
🇸🇪 nilo 15-6 82.8 94.1% 1.58
🇸🇪 Plopski 13-11 99.8 88.2% 1.50
🇸🇪 L00m1 12-8 63.9 94.1% 1.30
🇸🇪 SHiNE 8-9 64.1 82.4% 1.03

Vertigo detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Mirage

Team CT T OT Total
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas 4 8 1 13
🇸🇪 Metizport 8 4 4 16


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas
🇸🇪 isak 20-19 80.1 72.4% 1.05
🇸🇪 REZ 21-20 80.6 69.0% 1.04
🇸🇪 jocab 16-19 66.6 72.4% 0.87
🇿🇦 MisteM 17-23 64.3 62.1% 0.80
🇺🇦 r1nkle 16-15 54.7 69.0% 0.78
🇸🇪 Metizport
🇸🇪 nilo 24-18 83.2 69.0% 1.26
🇸🇪 Plopski 22-21 84.7 75.9% 1.20
🇸🇪 L00m1 19-17 62.8 79.3% 1.12
🇸🇪 SHiNE 15-17 72.4 79.3% 1.11
🇸🇪 adamb 15-18 56.8 75.9% 0.91

Mirage detailed stats and VOD


Map 3: Ancient

Team CT T Total
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas 6 3 9
🇸🇪 Metizport 6 7 13


Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇸🇪 Ninjas in Pyjamas
🇸🇪 isak 17-15 81.6 77.3% 1.12
🇺🇦 r1nkle 15-13 76.0 68.2% 1.04
🇿🇦 MisteM 14-16 74.3 72.7% 0.88
🇸🇪 REZ 12-15 59.2 54.5% 0.86
🇸🇪 jocab 8-16 47.6 54.5% 0.59
🇸🇪 Metizport
🇸🇪 nilo 20-14 90.4 72.7% 1.36
🇸🇪 adamb 17-13 82.3 77.3% 1.29
🇸🇪 Plopski 13-15 67.5 68.2% 1.10
🇸🇪 SHiNE 12-14 69.5 77.3% 1.07
🇸🇪 L00m1 10-11 51.0 77.3% 0.88

Ancient detailed stats and VOD


This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.