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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/throwawayCabaret7347 on 2024-09-25 23:46:09+00:00.

Throwaway because white supremacists are unhinged.


StaySafeTV is a WoW youtuber and streamer who became popular from private servers before classic WoW was acknowledged and released by blizzard. In these servers he used to run a guild called which was shortened to once classic released for obvious reasonss. Another content creator at the time Alexensual who was a lolcow leaked logs from StaySafeTVs discord back in 2019 proving the community to be extremely racist, homophobic etc. StaySafeTV started to sanitize his discord because he wanted to be a content creator in the public eye, but make no mistake his views have not changed.

He was 23 during the time of the logs and though he’d like you to believe, he has not actually taken ownership of any of his behavior or changed his views. He claims Alexensual created an entire fake discord with fake accounts, mimicking his community to frame them as white supremacists. This is false as shown in Ziqos video, as you can still find remnants of the “fake discord” in his one-and-the-same current discord.

These are the discord log leaks:

StaySafeTV’s proof of the supposed fakening is an apology Alexensual made in which he states he went too far trying to cancel another creator. StaySafeTV and his friends misrepresent Alex’s apology by saying he actually apologized for making a fake discord. This is not true. Unfortunately, to my knowledge this apology has been nuked from the internet.

Perhaps more interesting proof is StaySafeTV’s membership of a white nationalist discord known as “Cascade Front” which Ziqo goes over in his video and I will shortly.

Unicorn Riot obtained the logs of numerous white supremacist and neo nazi discords after the neo nazi Charlottesville event. They’ve posted all these logs on their website seen here:

Ziqo showcases that using discord developer mode you can obtain a discord accounts unique ID and search for it on their website. That is what leads us to StaySafeTV’s current discord account and logs in Cascade Front.

The logs you can find here are astounding, there isn’t any direct hostility because he is around like-minded individuals. For example, there are logs in which he believes minorities will die out once they are pushed out of white communities and no longer receive “free gibs” (handouts).

There’s also this message where he declares this video in the following message as his waifu. Attempting to load the youtube video leads us to a terminated channel. What could it possibly be? Heading on over to we reach and see it is actually white supremacist propaganda by… Red Ice.

Red Ice is a Swedish white supremacist organization owned by Lana Lokteff that disseminates white supremacist views via videos and facebook posts that has since been banned from both platforms.

You don’t even have to go that far to see his views are still aligned with the above by scrolling through his twitter, or reading comments to Ziqo’s youtube video.

This controversy has actually been brought up before, but was nuked by LSF mods 5 years ago. See the following threads from r/destiny and r/hasan_piker where users were discussing it here.