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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/hansnicolaim on 2024-09-21 05:32:09+00:00.

Hi, me and a group of friends just started playing. I’m up to around level 60 now and my friends are all in the 10-40 range. Me and one of said friends tried to do Ascalonian Catacombs yesterday just as a duo, he’s level 29 so I didn’t expect us to get far and we just wanted to see how the mechanics of the dungeons are.

We got absolutely pummeled by the third mob there. I’m a norn warrior dual axe build and he’s a sylvari necromancer so I tried to tank as much of the damage as possible, and we managed to kill the first two enemies after around a minute of fighting, but the third enemy, I believe “Ascalonian Monk”, kept one shotting my friend, and while I was able to survive independently I was never able to get it lower than 70% before it healed up to 100% again.

We understand now that dungeons REALLY are hard if you’re just a low leveled duo, so we’re putting them on pause and gonna try to get at least 3-4 of us together at higher levels (so we have all the sigils and stuff). I figured Ascalonian Catacombs would be the easiest, since it’s the first dungeon you unlock, but is that correct? I know some of them require a certain amount of people, because of puzzles and stuff, but apart from that is there any of them that’s significantly easier or anything? Most of us range from average to terrible to 200 ping terrible so we’re not an elite squad by any means. Any help appreciated. :)