I think they are just PR stunts to appeal to the masses. I don’t buy for a second that they are serious.
I remember when Uwe Boll was challenging people who don’t like his movies to boxing matches.
You know, money is really not much else than what raw strength and violence is for the animal kingdom and early humans, and it’s always been strongly related. We’re just going back full circle.
Another instance where Kingpin was a realistic impression of how the rich see themselves; literally unstoppable.
Vladimir Harkonnen too, intimidating and beyond gross but with all/any money/tech available to maket themselves imposing.
All these losers were once mocked for looking like malnourished balding ghosts so they pumped themselves full of steroids and now their brains are rotten
Branding has gotten really weird these days.
You know those cage matches in the video game World Heroes, where fighters are blown up by landmines, set on fire, and impaled on spiked walls? And nobody ever dies, but they’re clearly suffering some of the worst pain in their lives? That is precisely the cage match I want to see between Elon and Mark.