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The original was posted on /r/programminglanguages by /u/psyberbird on 2024-08-13 06:10:36+00:00.

I find it really difficult to navigate the world of programming languages that compile to JavaScript. TypeScript dominates in this world by an absolutely gargantuan margin, so not much else ever gets talked about or seems to see much use, and yet when the topic comes up so many different languages are name dropped like Elm, ReScript, PureScript, ReasonML, ClojureScript, and compilers for established langs like F#, Haskell, OCaml, Kotlin, etc.

It’s honestly difficult to tell what these languages really offer and what the differences between them are, and I can’t even tell if some of these are still in use or not as Elm gets name dropped despite not seeing an update in 3 years. I want to know what the current state of this ecosystem is like in 2024, what lang is seeing the most use and what are some recent developments people are excited for, etc.