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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/be0mgyv on 2024-07-24 20:21:48+00:00.

Hello hello,

My dad had a weird encounter/experience today that neither he nor I can explain, so I’m hoping the good people of this sub may be able to shine a light on what the hell happened as it’s really creeped us all out.

For a little background, my dad has had some paranormal encounters throughout his life and, while he is a little sceptical about the existence of such things as demons or cryptids, he largely believes that there is certainly another plane of existence somewhere and that death isn’t the final act. He isn’t superstitious by any means, but will not have anything like Ouija boards in the house, etc. I wouldn’t say he believes in things such as Heaven per se, but perhaps reincarnation? Regardless, he knows that what he saw today was not of this world and it gave him a feeling of pure, unadulterated dread and evil.

Earlier today my dad was on his way to work via train, and where we live (UK) some stations have two platforms where trains go in opposite directions from one another and run on opposite routes so he had to cross a bridge to get to the right platform.

As he stood waiting for his train he overheard a woman talking loudly and in quite confusing sentences, he turned in her direction and she was staring at him, or perhaps through him, and was pointing in his direction- it was then he knew something was wrong.

She looked like a normal, older woman except for her eyes. My dad said, and this is verbatim, “I couldn’t see the white of her eyes, OP. Her eyes were pure black, maybe deep dark blue, but she had no pupils and no whites.”

He told me “OP, you might think I’m kidding you (he does like to wind us up) but I swear to you, the feeling I got when I looked at this woman was pure evil.”

He tried to turn his attention anywhere but her but his gaze kept being drawn to her. Her eyes never changed, and this was outside in broad daylight so it certainly wasn’t any shadows or light tricks. At one point he saw her drink from a paper coffee cup, the type of takeaway cup you get from a cafe, and the way she drank from it stuck out to him. As she drank from the cup, still staring in his direction by the way, she squeezed the cup between her flat palms until it was only a small slit and drank from it without breaking her stare.

When his train arrived he got on quickly, thankful to get away from her attention, but she got on the same train in the next carriage over. He hopped off and got on the furthest carriage from her.

He wasn’t alone on the platform, there was a couple with a pram standing behind her who moved away slightly after hearing her talk and were quite freaked out by her too, though she never turned to them- they only saw her from the back.

This happened this afternoon, and he told me about this encounter not 15 minutes ago. This has, understandably left us creeped out and very confused. Can anyone explain this??

Any questions or answers are appreciated!!

Thank you x

(I may cross-post this in another group or so, if you see it again that’s just me!)