I hardly ever write anymore but when I do, I write in cursive so I decided to try writing English mode in a cursive style. I’m sure there’s quiet a few spelling mistakes, but I was trying to practice with minimal tecendil usage. It’s making me consider following an actual penmanship book, maybe Spencerian, but it was a pretty fun experiment either way. Chose “somewhere over the rainbow” at random.
Very cool. Way better than mine! Did you write with a pencil? I’ve been doing it with a ball point and it doesnt look great. Although my handwriting is generally awful.
Yes I used a mechanical pencil, but I use very light pressure when I do upward strokes and add pressure with downward strokes. Basically trying to mimic the way you would use an old fashion fountain pen. It definitely took me a few practice runs to get into the flow.
Great, and very readable. Normally, I’d honor such a work with a detailed analysis of the spelling, but that might be a bit over the top since you have said you were writing “with minimal Tecendil usage”.
Only this: The form you have chosen for the tengwa hwesta sindarinwa looks virtually identical to aha. In such a Spencerian-inspired hand as yours, a more distinct model for hwesta sindarinwa might be the one seen in DTS 37 - The Two Towers Jacket, which looks somewhat similar to a looped pound sign with the loop the same size as a regular lúva and without the crossbar.
Thank you ! That website is going to be a fun rabbit hole. Your suggestions are a great help, because I was definitely struggling with the hwesta sindarinwa and the book example you gave helped me see the shape more clearly. The pound sign is a great suggestion and one I haven’t played around with before.
As someone who can barely remember any of the cursive I was taught let alone write legibly all I can say is, breh.