Yes! The website had a free pdf of the 99-05 manual. In case you have not checked YT, I have found a YouTube video for nearly repair or maintenance required.
Can you buy the electronic version on Kindle?
Your public library might have it. Also look at their databases. I am head of IT for one and we subscribe to prodemand. It’s in library use only but has all the stuff these car repair books have.
You can buy the digital version directly from Haynes.
Do you need first gen Yaris/Vitz/Echo or 05+ Yaris as I have various PDF available for these.Try Canadian Tire. They are all $33. You’ll have to call your local store to see if they have this particular manual.
When I bought my truck I paid for a three day subscription to Toyota Techstream and just downloaded every manual and random document Toyota had for my truck. That’s way better than Haynes.
Looks like eBay has it for around $50 USD.